101 Rejections : A Writer's Quest For Rejection

18th & 19th Rejection

These two rejections were nestled in my inbox right next to each other, sent ten minutes apart yesterday!!

(Maybe literary agents have a 1 pm cocktail lunch on Mondays that they want to get to, so they try to clear off as many lingering emails as possible on Monday morning. I certainly like to think that’s the way the publishing industry works…)

Anyhoo, two of the agents I sent my novel to, after the Writer’s Digest Conference got back to me after having the sample pages for just under two weeks. Both sent very nice notes.

One said, “You have an intriguing idea here,” but felt it wasn’t quite right for her.

The other, in which is my current fave rejection said, “[Protagonist] has a fabulous voice” but that she “didn’t connect strongly enough with the rest of the material to confidently represent you”.

Isn’t that a lovely brush off?

I feel like she just said something really nice about one of my kids, so I’m going to let her off with the whole “I’m not going to represent you” part and assume she’s an intelligent and wise professional.

And so we continue to sift…

Piece: Novel
Sent: 10/4/2016
Rejected 10/17/2016 (11:54 AM and 12:43 PM!)


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