101 Rejections : A Writer's Quest For Rejection

Failure Again :)

OK, I have firmly accepted that I am NOT going to get to my target of 101 rejections this year. I still think it’s an interesting number though so I’m going to maintain this blog until I do reach it.

I’m realising I go through flurries: times when I am willing to write stories and send them to other people and times when I write stuff that I fully intend to self-publish. This Fall/Winter has been a sandwich of both those things (writing for markets, writing for self-pub, writing for markets again).

Currently I’m celebrating my failure to be rejected by Defenestrationism.net’s Flash Suite contest.
I wrote the stories in September/October (starting with Broken Toys, which was written in May 2010), sitting on the deck with WoolWheaten draped around my shoulders. I almost missed the deadline after waiting all this time for it to get close. But I did submit at the weekend and this morning found an email in my inbox that started “Strong work.” Naturally I assumed that was going to be followed by a ‘but’, but it wasn’t. I’m a finalist! My ‘suite’ will be up at their site Dec 30,31 of 2013 and Jan 1,2 of 2014. That’s a good omen for 2014. (If only I believed in omens…)

Submitted: 12/14/13
Accepted: 12/16/13


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