Last week I sent out three guest blogging pitches (in my attempt to make a big splash this spring and to seem to be ‘everywhere’.
All three responded with ‘yes’!
And I also got invited to give a speech by someone I had met at a group.
(And I may have made a sale of the course)
So I am setting a mini goal of getting 40 guest posting rejections between now and May. That’s going to mean a lot of work, especially if lots of them say ‘yes’, but sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.
Pitching for non-fiction is different because you get the ‘yes’ before you do the work. Pitching for fiction usually means the work is done and then you just worry about getting rejected. I like the non-fiction pitching better, because, by the time they see your words they’re invested in accepting it, and making it better, rather than looking for reasons to reject it (as with fiction).
Some fiction writers get to that point (being invited to submit to anthologies, and being offered book contracts). That’s the plan…
Project: Goest post, non-fiction pitches, invitation to speak.